Monday, May 18, 2009


On behalf of the staff members of Young Adult Ministry at the Chancery, I would like to say THANK YOU to everyone who attended and was involved in the Young Adult Conference this year. For me personally, I was overjoyed at the amazing content, community and quality of people present that I experienced. It was such a positive and uplifting experience to see the depth of character of Catholic Young Adults present. It gave me hope for the future of our Church.

I would also like to thank the wonderful keynote presenters and workshop presenters - their messages were truly inspiring and were a call to ACTION. Sister Miriam's words of "Make a Decision today. Say yes to Christ and He will show you the way. There is no more time to be luke-warm in your faith. Make an active decision!" was a wonderful motivator and I hope that all of you felt that same urgency!

I would also like to thank everyone at the Newman Center, especially Janet Heva for all of her help in coordinating, planning, and rounding up volunteers. Thank you to Lupe for helping me with the WONDERFUL music ministry at Mass - I couldnt have done it without you! Thank you especially to Father Jose and Father Gary for your support and hospitality while we were there.

Last but not least, Thank YOU for coming! This conference wouldnt be what it is today if we didnt have the support of the Young Adults of Greater Western Washington! To see that you came showed us that our calling to minister to young adults is very neccessary, valid and present! We will continue to strive to bring you quality events in the future to help you on your faith journey as Saints in the Making. Once again, thank you to everyone, may God truly bless you and we will see you next year!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

BBQ’s needed!

BBQ’s needed! If you have a gas or charcoal BBQ we are in need of them for the BBQ at the YA Conference this weekend on May 16 at the UW Newman Center. Please contact Janet Heva at if you are able to help us. Thank you!

Register, Register, Register!!

If you haven’t already done so, please send in your registrations for the YA Conference! While registrations will be accepted at the door, pre-registration ensures that you will get your first choice of workshops and it helps us more accurately plan to welcome you. Scholarships are available. Please do not hesitate to call our office to ask about receiving aid. We would hate for anyone to miss the conference due to lack of funds, so please get in touch with us so we can help! The number here is 206.382.4562 and tell Veronica that you are looking for financial aid for the YA Conference and I will transfer you to the appropriate person!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Just over a week until Rooted 2009!!

We are so excited about the Young Adult Conference, which is just over a week away. Our presenters and planning team have been working hard getting the best possible event together. As we make the final arrangements for the Conference we are steadily receiving registrations. If you are not already registered be sure to download the registration form and fax or mail it in soon, to make sure you get the workshops you want.